Seo / Marketing

The Journey to Mount Google

How did you get to our website? Actually, don’t tell us, we can’t hear you and we are not very good at lip reading, so allow us to guess. You got here using a search engine. You look a bit bemused; don’t worry, we are not spying on you. We just know how things happen on the Internet.

93% of online experience begins with a search engine. Impressive, only if you could do something to turn that attention to your website. Cheer up, because there is and it’s called Search Engine Optimisation. Now, let’s explore more about SEO.

Custom Budget

SEO service for all business sizes at affordable and flexible prices.


Our SEO prices are adjustable according to your needs.


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Complete Strategies

Research & Analysis is the dawn of everything. Understanding your market and customers is the beginning; this way we develop commercial awareness that will allow us to detect trends and act upon them. It is crucial to identify your competition and scrutinise their actions. We dissect and analyse their online strategies, searching for success patterns, noting weaknesses you can capitalise on and opportunities to exploit.
Based on our information of your industry and audience’s search predispositions, we will be able to select the most suitable keywords beneficial for your business.
We are dedicated to professional excellence, so all our forces will only be concentrated on building links with reputable sources. The public’s fascination with social media will not be left aside as we manage your presence to attract interest and a following.
Primary aim of our content strategy is to serve the users and the sanctity of valuable knowledge. The content we create will be what the people want and need; it will have the potential of elevating you to the position of a leading authority in your field. Compelling content is more likely to be shared and linked to; it will bring more traffic to your website.
We ensure that your business objectives are accomplished through ongoing assessment of performance and adjustment.

Important Figures


14.6% close rate for SEO leads, compared to the 1.7% close rate of outbound leads (such as direct mail or print advertising).


Google is the worldwide search market leader with a constant global market share around 90 percent.


61% of global Internet users research products online.


44% of online shoppers begin by using a search engine.


86% of consumers stated that using a search engine allowed them to learn something new or important that helped him/her increase his/her knowledge.


50% of all mobile searches are conducted in hopes of finding local results, and 61% of those searches result in a purchase.

What is SEO?

Some definition and what it is supposed to do

Search Engine Optimisation is the process of improving website visibility on a search engine (like Google, Bing, Yahoo).


The objective is to position a website as high as possible in the “organic” or natural search results. As you have probably noticed, the higher a result is the more traffic it will get, which could potentially lead to more business.

How it operates?

The phrase “search engine” makes up 2/3 of SEO, which could only mean that it is reasonable to become familiar with how search engine rankings are decided.


With search engine, it is all about relevance and trustworthiness. Relevance is determined by excellent and unique content that engages your target audience. Alongside the right content you MUST have a good number of links to and from reliable sources (such as other websites). These links will establish your site’s online authority and the better it is the more trust you’ll receive from search engines, hence a higher ranking in the results pages.

SEO as a Marketing tool

Don’t waste your dough, save it with SEO. Let’s see why most businesses nowadays resort to SEO, instead of traditional and more expensive forms of promotional activity.


SEO is one of the most efficient and cost-effective marketing strategies, as it is designed to supply a demand; it attracts search engine users who are actually looking for what you have to offer. Outbound marketing generates leads that cost 61% more than inbound methods like SEO. Also with people’s increasing reliance on the Internet when searching for products and services it would be almost impossible for them to miss your business if it is placed in the top 10 or even better, the top 3 results (a.k.a. the Golden Triangle) on Google. Ranking high on a search engine is arguably the best brand advertisement available.

Why do you need SEO?

The paragraph on the left could be enough for some, but we prefer to use some cold hard facts derived from stats. What you are about to read is not an extract from a horror story.


Millions of websites are ignored, because of Internet users’ searching habits. Over 94% of Google users only check the first page of results and 63% of clicks are concentrated on the top 3 results. So, if your site’s not there, it’s nowhere.